
International Trade Amicus: August 2023

The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus discusses elaborately the European Union’s Non-Preferential Rules of Origin, specifically focusing on Rules in the context of their assistance in effective implementation of trade remedial measures imposed by the EU.

International Trade Amicus: July 2023

The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus analyses the trade remedy circumvention provision when an unassembled, incomplete or unfinished article is imported and assembled, completed or finished in India or in some other country.

International Trade Amicus: June 2023

The WTO panel recently ruled against India’s import duty measures in relation to certain Information and Communication Technology (‘ICT’) goods, holding the measures as inconsistent with Articles II:1(a) and (b) of the GATT 1994.

International Trade Amicus: May 2023

The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus intends to bridge the awareness gap with respect to trade remedial investigations, and sensitize producers/exporters on certain aspects which will help prepare them for any potential trade remedial investigation.

International Trade Amicus: April 2023

The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus analyses a recent CESTAT decision relating to the threshold for considering a product within the scope of the product under consideration (‘PUC’) in anti-dumping investigations.

International Trade Amicus: March 2023

The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus discusses as to whether a government action in the form of an export restraint on the export of a product results in a subsidy to the domestic producers of downstream products.

International Trade Amicus: February 2023

The retrospective amendments proposed by the Finance Bill, 2023 to Section 9C and other related provisions of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 have tried to resolve the dispute regarding powers of the CESTAT to entertain appeals against the Ministry of Finance’s refusal to impose the trade ...

International Trade Amicus: January 2023

The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus elaborately analyses the recent imposition of definitive anti-dumping duty by the European Union on imports of fatty acid originating from Indonesia.

International Trade Amicus: December 2022

The WTO Panel has recently held that USA’s additional duties of 25% ad valorem on imports of steel products and 10% ad valorem on imports of aluminium products are inconsistent with various provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (‘GATT’), ...

International Trade Amicus: November 2022

In continuation of the article published last month, shedding light on the nature and extent of Western sanctions, the article in this issue of International Trade Amicus intends to discuss some of the salient aspects of the US sanctions regime as administered by the Office...