
Corporate Amicus: May 2012

Doctrine of 'essential facilities' and its applicability in context of Indian social, economic and market conditions is the topic of discussion in this month's "Corporate Amicus". Some international applications of the said doctrine are also analyzed elaborately in the article. Reserve Bank of Ind

Corporate Amicus: June 2012

SEBI has recently replaced its Consent Scheme with a more transparent one. Article in this issue of "Corporate Amicus" discusses the salient features of this new scheme. Ministry of Corporate Affairs has also introduced new guidelines for declaration of financial institutions as Public Financial I

Corporate Amicus: Previous Editions

December 2012 Issue November 2012 Issue October 2012 Issue September 2012 Issue August 2012 Issue July 2012 Issue June 2012 Issue May 2012 Issue April 2012 Issue March 2012 Issue February 2012 Issue January 2012 Issue

Corporate Amicus: July 2012

Merger of business entities not implies any automatic merger of licences or approvals held by the merging entities. This article in "Corporate Amicus" discusses a recent Delhi High Court order on the subject which also talks of jurisdiction of Telecom Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDS

Corporate Amicus: August 2012

Regulations and Rules covering acceptance and utilization of foreign contributions by individuals and entities in India are elaborated in this months' article in "Corporate Amicus". Product/activity group codes have been made mandatory for cost audit reports. Ministry of Corporate Affairs has also

Corporate Amicus: September 2012

This month the topic of discussion varies from SEBI's jurisdiction in the light of recent Supreme Court of India decision, to the development of Competition law in India. While one article holds that now any issue of shares to more than specified persons would be treated as public issue, another a

Corporate Amicus: October 2012

This month, the topic of discussion is penalty on cartel members and leniency provisions in case of honest declaration by the whistleblowers, who were earlier part of the cartel. The article holds that this is a right step in the right direction but the provisions are not clearly worded. This issu

Corporate Amicus: November 2012

Labour welfare cess for workers in the construction industry is the topic of discussion this month. Article in this November 2012 issue of "Corporate Amicus" clarifies the implications of various provisions, while also covering procedures like registration and liability to pay cess. A case note on

Corporate Amicus: December 2012

SEBI has recently introduced provisions for regulating the Indian financial markets. Article in this issue of "Corporate Amicus" discusses these regulations, while also pointing out some problems in SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations and the SEBI (Investment Advisors) Regulations. Mut