
Corporate Amicus: July 2015

July 2015 issue of Corporate Amicus carries an article containing discussions on the fundamentals of engaging contract labour and the pitfalls that can be avoided to have a congenial environment in the company. Notifications & Circular portion in this Amicus covers Negotiable

Corporate Amicus: May 2015

This May, 2015 issue of Corporate Amicus features an article discussing certain legal issues which potential Joint Venture (JV) partners must tackle at the stage of finalizing the transaction structure. Notification section includes amendments in Companies Incorporation Rules which have c

Corporate Amicus: April 2015

In this issue of Corporate Amicus the author in the first article questions the penal powers of SEBI. SEBI is imposing heavy penalties on companies which hampers investors’ interest and securities market. In this issue readers can also go through the article providing economic perspect

Corporate Amicus: March 2015

Merging of Forwards Markets Commission with SEBI has been taken by for discussion in March 2015 issue of Corporate Amicus. According to the author, though the proposed merger will be highly beneficial to the growth of commodities market in general and will make it open to a larger section of

Corporate Amicus: February 2015

Indian approach to taxi aggregators is the topic analysed in this month’s article in Corporate Amicus. It is stated that even though it becomes extremely difficult to make a law on each and every activity carried out in India, an exclusive law on e-commerce activity is recommended, par

Corporate Amicus: January 2015

SEBI´s Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2014 seeks to clarify the issues on Section 185 of the Companies Act, 2013 dealing with the issue of loans to the Directors by their companies.

Corporate Amicus: December 2014

SEBI´s new proposed Insider Trading Regulations is the topic of discussion this month´s Corporate Amicus.

Corporate Amicus: November 2014

Recently introduced SEBI (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 is the topic of discussion this month in Corporate Amicus-November 2014 issue.

Corporate Amicus: October 2014

‘Responsibilities of an independent director’ is the topic of discussion in this October 2014 issue of Corporate Amicus. The article in this issue holds that recent legislative measures should instill confidence in the minds of otherwise competent and capable individuals for taking unfettered deci

Corporate Amicus: September 2014

FDI in India is the topic of discussion this month. While certain recent FDI reforms in India have been elaborately discussed in this issue, Notifications and Circulars part of the Amicus covers recent decision of the Government of India to allow FDI in railway transport sector. Ministry of Corpor