

Our attorneys and specialists remain up-to-date with the latest legal developments and offer their perspectives and critical commentary.


Will compliance costs actually go down with introduction of GST?

12 十二月 2014

A Goods and Services Tax (GST) is on the anvil. From the kind of discussions I see around in the media and Government circles, the only issues which are holding back its rollout is the lack of consensus on the compensation mechanism for the expected loss of some States on account of its implementation, inclusion or exclusion of specific products from scope of GST and the threshold limit.

Offshore sale transactions – A lacuna in the Indian Sales Tax regime

05 十二月 2014

The purpose of this article is to analyze the applicability of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (‘CST Act’) and State VAT Acts to sales transactions that involve sale of goods to offshore locations.

Intellectual Property Rights

' Willful or deliberate suppression’ standard under Section 8 of the Patents Act

05 十二月 2014

The Division Bench of the Delhi High Court vide its recent order dated 7th November, 2014 in Maj.

Corporate Advisory

Responsibilities of independent director - A magic bullet or unnecessary appendage?

05 十二月 2014

By Devaditya Chakravarti and Varun Chablani The recently enacted Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”), has not only ushered in a new legislative framework but has also put in a place a new paradigm of corporate governance with detailed provisions as to appointment of independent directors. In the past fe

Regulatory Laws

An overview of Real Estate Investment Trusts in India

05 十二月 2014

Real estate is the second largest employer after agriculture and is slated to grow at 30% over the next decade. The Indian real estate market size is expected to touch $180 billion by 2020[see end note 1].

Direct Tax, Regulatory Laws

Doing business in India through Liaison Office

06 十一月 2014

The way Indian economy withstood global economic slowdown has made India a very alluring destination for foreign investments.

International Trade & WTO

The ‘COOL’ Dispute – Analysis and implications

06 十一月 2014

By Sarah Mary Mathew The ongoing dispute against the United States on Certain Country of Origin Labelling Requirements (COOL) was initiated in December 2008 when Canada and Mexico requested consultations with the US [see end note 1]. The dispute is presently at the implementation stage with the

Intellectual Property Rights

Use as trade mark sine qua non to claim honest concurrent use

20 十月 2014

The Bombay High Court vide its judgment dated 15th September, 2014 in ITM Trust v.

Corporate Advisory

Responsibilities of independent director - A magic bullet or unnecessary appendage?

20 十月 2014

The recently enacted Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”), has not only ushered in a new legislative framework but has also put in a place a new paradigm of corporate governance with detailed provisions as to appointment of independent directors.

International Trade & WTO

Refund of anti-dumping duty as a result of review investigation

13 十月 2014

Section 9AA [see end note 1] of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 provides for refund of anti-dumping duty in certain cases. It provides as below:

Direct Tax

Transfer Pricing and location savings - An Indian perspective

13 十月 2014

Relocation of business from one country to another, where the labor and other costs are comparatively cheaper, results in cost saving to the Multi National Enterprise (‘MNE’) groups.

Direct Tax

Tax issues surrounding human capital movement

13 十月 2014

Globalisation has led Multinational Companies (MNCs) to increase cross border secondment of technical, managerial and other employees to their subsidiaries located in low cost jurisdictions such as India.

Direct Tax

Valuation of asset - A tax riddle faced by real estate firms

29 九月 2014

When a partnership firm is formed for carrying on real estate business and a partner contributes land or building therein then the tax consequence of contribution of such land or building becomes a tricky issue.

Intellectual Property Rights

Trademark battle over the word “PINK”

24 九月 2014

The Chancery Division of the Community Trade Mark Court recently decided [see end note 1] against Victoria's Secret UK Ltd.

Banking & Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions / PE, Regulatory Laws

Recent FDI reforms in India

16 九月 2014

Foreign funding is important to bridge the huge fund gap of investment in infrastructure in India, which in turn will spur economic growth. According to a recent report, the inflow of foreign direct investment (“FDI”) was US $ 28 billion in 2013, an increase of 17% over the previous year.

Incentive by State Government is disincentive to excise assessees

15 九月 2014

The Supreme Court in Super Synotex [see end note1] case had considered the Sales Tax Incentive Scheme extended by State of Rajasthan.

International Trade & WTO

Emerging jurisprudence in export restraint measures in trade

15 九月 2014

Export restraints generally refer to measures imposed by an exporting country on the export of certain goods which may take the form of export quotas, duties, and licensing or minimum price requirements.

Direct Tax

TDS default on payments made to non-residents – Disallowance @ 30%?

22 八月 2014

Tax reforms can play a decisive role in supporting growth, by removing distortions, enhancing transparency and ensuring certain level of stability in the area of international taxation.

Intellectual Property Rights

Compulsory license – High Court upholds IPAB Order

22 八月 2014

The Division Bench of the Bombay High Court by its recent order [see end note 1] dated 15th July, 2014 upheld the order of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) [see end note 2] dated 4th March, 2013 granting a compulsory license to Natco Pharmaceuticals (Natco) under Section 84 of the Patents Act, 1970 (the Act).

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