

Our attorneys and specialists remain up-to-date with the latest legal developments and offer their perspectives and critical commentary.


Intellectual Property Rights

Slogans - An issue of descriptiveness

27 十一月 2015

Getting trademark protection for slogans is often accompanied by one particular hurdle of retaining exclusivity, which results from their descriptive nature.

Environment Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2015: A Sisyphean Challenge

26 十一月 2015

The Draft Environment Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2015 was published by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) on October 7, 2015. The objectives of the Draft Bill are to provide for “effective deterrent penal provisions” and to introduce “

Direct Tax

Section 197 certificate is not proving to be good enough?

20 十一月 2015

Provisions relating to deduction of tax at source (‘TDS’) do offer the government a good tool of efficient tax recovery but unless counterbalanced with a measure like Section 197, can become a weapon of oppression.

Valuation of composite goods under VAT laws

17 十一月 2015

In the case of State of Punjab v. Nokia India Pvt Ltd (2014-VIL-23-SC), the Supreme Court held that battery charger of a cell phone is not a composite part of the cell phone but only an accessory and is an independent product.

International Trade & WTO

Date of expiry of definitive anti-dumping duty

10 十一月 2015

It is a debatable issue from which date the period of 5 years should be reckoned for determining the date on which imposition of definitive anti-dumping duty would expire, if no sunset review is conducted before such expiry (Article 11.3 of WTO: ADA).

Direct Tax

Month-end Provisions and Reversal – Is TDS called for?

28 十月 2015

Multi-national enterprises (MNEs) do make monthly provision for various expenses in their ERP system at the end of each month.

Regulatory Laws

Legitimacy of levy of seigniorage fee on consumers

26 十月 2015

This article deals with the validity of the levy of seigniorage fee on the consumer/user and the ambiguity in the calculation of the same.

Skill versus chance - A saga of online gaming

26 十月 2015

The current trend of selecting national or international players/athletes based on their performance/skill/fitness and creating one’s own virtual team to compete on a virtual platform is not a novel concept. In fact, this indulgence dates back to the post World War II era.

Intellectual Property Rights

Delhi High Court grants permanent injunction in case of Sitagliptin

23 十月 2015

Nearly three years after Merck (patentee) initiated an infringement action over its patented diabetics drug sitagliptin (Indian Patent 209816, sold under the brand names Januvia and Janumet), the Delhi

Does GST continue with distortions of existing tax structure?

16 十月 2015

Besides being a source of funding of public expenditure, taxes also enable influencing expenditure patterns thereby distorting individual behavior.

International Trade & WTO

Consistency between Indian Domestic Law and WTO: ADA to be maintained

09 十月 2015

Article II of the GATT, 1994 provides that a Member country shall follow MFN principle. Article II.2 provides for exception to the MFN principles.

Direct Tax, Regulatory Laws

Consortium contracts with Government – Legal status

01 十月 2015

It is basic economics - when it comes to consumption, government has the largest appetite. Government purchases include goods and services obtained from domestic and international suppliers and deployed in myriad projects ranging from defence and railways to infrastructure and oil.

Intellectual Property Rights

Software inventions - Examining patentability

28 九月 2015

The Indian Patent Office recently released the final version of the Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related Inventions.

Plastics – To ban or not to ban, is the question!

21 九月 2015

Plastic packaging is big business. The India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) estimated the Indian packaging industry to be at about US$28 billion in 2014, with roughly half the market share belonging to plastic packaging [see end note 1].

The Rule 6 conundrum – Whether ‘Total’ Cenvat credit to be considered for reversal formula?

16 九月 2015

An assessee who is a manufacturer of dutiable goods or provider of output service or both invariably receives a number of services on which he pays service tax and is eligible to take credit of the same in terms of Rule 3(1) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004.

International Trade & WTO

Enhancing effectiveness of enforcement – Retreading trade remedy law

10 九月 2015

As a top merchandise trader, just behind China [see end note1], the USA is a huge import destination and a frequent user of the Anti-dumping instrument, USA is not new to innovations in AD laws and has already been through the Bryd Amendment which sought to distribute the revenue from AD levies amon

Direct Tax

Jurisprudence of international tax law

28 八月 2015

Taxation is a subject over which each State exercises its sovereign right. The basic charge of taxation can be traced to the domestic taxation law of a State.


Refund of excess customs duty paid under self-assessment system

19 八月 2015

The Central Excise law provided for physical control for all commodities except a few in the past.  However, subsequently self-assessment mechanism was introduced in Central Excise in which the revenue authorities’ role at the time of clearance of goods has become almost nil.

Intellectual Property Rights

‘Make in India’ meets the Biological Diversity Act

17 八月 2015

‘Make in India’ is a flagship, nation-wide initiative of the Government of India launched in September 2014.

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