Ankur Sharma
Partner, New Delhi
Ankur Sharma is a Partner in International Trade and WTO practice at Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan.
About Ankur Sharma
About Ankur
Ankur has extensive experience in international trade and WTO laws, customs procedures, customs classification and trade litigation. He regularly represents clients before quasi-judicial authorities and appellate forums.
Ankur has advised governments and businesses on a wide range of issues arising under various WTO agreements and free trade agreements.
Ankur also specialises in trade remedy laws, namely, anti-dumping, safeguards and countervailing duties. He has extensive experience in representing governments, domestic industries, exporters and importers at all stages of trade remedy investigations. He has represented clients in investigations conducted by the investigating authorities of India, the EU, US, Turkey among others.
Jindal Global Law School
Punjab Technical University
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
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