

The latest updates on relevant areas of law, curated by our team to be the most useful to clients as well as fellow legal practitioners.


IPRs on the rise – WIPO Report

18 十二月 2013

WIPO released the 2013 edition of World Intellectual Property Indicators, earlier this month.  It is based on data from national and regional offices, WIPO, World Bank and UNESCO.

SC on powers of TRAI and TDSAT

17 十二月 2013

The Supreme Court of India has held that exercise of power by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) under Section 36(1) of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 is not controlled or limited by Section 36(2) or Sections 11, 12 and 13.

Transmission Licence – Fee reimbursement from beneficiaries

17 十二月 2013

The Electricity Appellate Tribunal has held that the transmission licensee, not paying any license fee prior to the amendment, is entitled to reimbursement of the said licence fee paid by it later and that the same can be directed to be passed through to the beneficiaries.

ITAT discusses FII’s loss on derivative transactions

13 十二月 2013

Is loss on derivative transactions assessable as business loss? This was the question before the Tribunal in Platinum Asset Management Ltd v. DDIT.

US Supreme Court to debug software patent eligibility

12 十二月 2013

12 December, 2013 The Supreme Court of US admitted the petition of certiorari filed by Alice Corporation to review the judgement of the Federal Circuit in CLS Bank Int’l v. Alice Corp.,717 F.3d 1269 (Fed. Cir. 2013). The petition prays for clarity and certainty in testing patent-eligibility of c

Consensus on global trade deal at Bali Ministerial meet

09 十二月 2013

Bali witnessed a meeting of minds and WTO members managed to agree on certain items of the vast agenda which was on the table.

Search engine giant succeeds on plea of fair use

02 十二月 2013

The Authors Guild (plaintiff) claimed that by scanning more than twenty millions books, providing verbatim snippets of text to aid in searching and retaining scan copies of books, providing such complete scans to libraries, Google (defendant) had infringed their rights.

Divisional applications - EPO announces changes

02 十二月 2013

Amendments to Rules 36, 38, and 135 of European Patent Convention (EPC) are set to come into effect from 1-4-2014. 

Trademarks – Use not proved by registration alone

02 十二月 2013

Intellectual Property Appellate Board (India) has allowed rectification application of a confectionary major in respect of various trademarks of another major, concerning word ‘Eclairs’.

Jurisdiction of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

02 十二月 2013

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission does not have jurisdiction to adjudicate a dispute between two licensees relating to charges for operation and maintenance of a part of inter-State transmission system which is owned by one of the licensees and operated and maintained by the other licensee for or on behalf of the former.  

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