

Seminar on tax and legal implications of secondment

七月 2015

Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan (L&S) is organizing a seminar on ‘Secondment – A 360° perspective covering Income tax, Service tax, social security agreements and visa regulations’ in Bangalore on 6 August, 2015 at World Trade Center, Bangalore.
This seminar will discuss  implications under Income tax law, service tax law, social security agreements and visa regulations arising in cases of secondments. Mr. G. Shivadass, Principal Partner, L&S; Mr. Sumeet Khurana, Director, L&S; Mr. Neeraj Dubey and Mr. Karthikeyan, Joint Partners, L&S will be speaking on this seminar to guide members of trade and industry.
Click here for more details of this seminar.