
Tax Amicus: Previous Editions

December 2012 Issue November 2012 Issue October 2012 Issue September 2012 Issue August 2012 Issue July 2012 Issue June 2012 Issue May 2012 Issue April 2012 Issue March 2012 Issue February 2012 Issue January 2012 Issue

Tax Amicus: July 2012

Introduction of Negative List in the Service Tax provisions from July 2012 is one of the landmark changes in the Indian Taxation regime. New Place of Provision of Services Rules have also been notified which supersede earlier Export of Services Rules and Import of Services Rules. Under Central Exc

Tax Amicus: August 2012

Service tax liability on the services agreed not to be provided and its interesting combinations with Point of Taxation Rules (POT Rules), is the topic of discussion in this months' "Tax Amicus". Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) has also issued clarification on these Rules in relation to

Tax Amicus: September 2012

Education Guide released by CBEC on Taxation of Services, is sought to be termed as a clarification with full sanctity under the law, in this months’ article. In terms of changes in the statutory provisions, Customs duty has to be paid mandatorily through e-payment by specified importers while Rul

Tax Amicus: October 2012

This issue of "Tax Amicus" discusses recently notified Rules for Advance Pricing Arrangements which provide option for compliance through cooperation, though not provide for retrospective application. New All Industry Rates (AIR) of Drawback have been notified and EOUs have been granted exemption

Tax Amicus: November 2012

Applicability of Sales tax on an agreement to sell under-construction flat, in the light of the recent Bombay High Court decision, is the topic of discussion this month. CESTAT has held that export goods conforming to DGFT criteria are not liable for confiscation and that refund of central excise

Tax Amicus: December 2012

Article in this issue of "Tax Amicus" discusses how conditions for availing exemption, whether substantial or only procedural/technical, are important for availing the benefit and merely because a procedure is directory, its compliance is not to be dispensed with. DGFT has allowed terminal excise