December 2013 issue of IPR Amicus carries an article on scope of Extant Notified Variety under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001. The classification of goods and services published by the Indian Trademark Registry and the Guidelines for functioning under Madrid Protoc
An interesting discussion on the reform of Brazilian patent law inspired by Indian laws like disallowance of patents on new forms of known substances, is featured in the Article section of November 2013 issue of IPR Amicus. Ratio Decidendi includes rejection of application for compulsory license,
Exemption to use of patented products, process for research or Bolar exemption, grant of marketing approval for generics and patent linkage in India form the topics for discussion in the article section of October 2013 issue of IPR Amicus. The Ratio Decidendi section features the Delhi High Court
The September 2013 issue of IPR Amicus features a discussion on the applicability of Hot News Doctrine in India as decided by the Delhi High Court. IPAB decision on onus of proof on applicant of proposed to use mark, ineligibility of descriptive word Snax for registration in respect of light foods
August 2013 issue, the second anniversary issue of IPR Amicus, opens with a discussion on working of patents in India. ‘Ratio Decidendi’ section features the case of Sudarshan Chemical Industries in the UK High Court on obviousness while combining sample with prior art and the order of the Intelle
In the July 2013 issue of IPR Amicus, the IPAB decision in Electronic Navigation Research Institute reiterating bar on patentability under Section 3 (k) on mathematical methods is discussed in the ‘Article’ section. A special feature of this issue is the report on two major decisions of the IPAB i
The judgments of Delhi High Court on protection under common law for design rights and broadcasting rights are discussed in the context of quasi-property rights in the Article Section. The June 2013 issue of IPR Amicus features case law in Myriad on patentability of naturally occurring genes and a
The 'Ratio decidendi' section of IPR Amicus, May 2013 summarises the decision of the US Supreme Court (Bowman v Monsanto) on patent exhaustion besides Indian cases on obviousness for patent and twin test of prior use and confusion in respect of trademarks. The ‘Articles’ section features a discuss
The implications of posting of patent applications are discussed in the Article section of IPR Amicus - April 2013. Ratio decidendi covers the Delhi High Court larger bench decision on registration of designs abroad besides decision on passing off in domain names and the English Court decision tha
Two articles are featured in IPR Amicus - March 2013. The first article discusses Foreign Filing License requirements particularly for first filing in a foreign country. The second article is on the Delhi High Court order restoring a trademark after 29 years, reinstating the rights of the register