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IPR Amicus: August 2014

Bombay High Court’s Order upholding the order of Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) granting compulsory license to an anti-cancer drug, has been elaborately discussed in this issue of IPR Amicus. According to the author, this decision has paved the way for more applications of compulsory licenses for medicines.

Ratio decidendi column in this issue covers IPAB decision holding that assignment which was not registered before the dissolution of assignee-company would be deemed to have been removed. Allahabad High Court has held that green dot inside a square symbolizing vegetarian food cannot be copyrighted and Supreme Court has quashed the order restraining one party from using their surname for running business identical to the business of another. These orders are reported in this issue of IPR Amicus. Draft examination guidelines for pharmaceuticals patent applications, as issued by the IPO, are covered in News Nuggets.

August, 2014/ Issue-37 August, 2014/ Issue-37

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